09/07/2019 / By S.D. Wells
Did your medical deity (M.D.) tell you that all your health problems are genetic and that they “run in your family?” Then why do millions of Americans prevent and cure diabetes II, cancer, heart disease, and more by simply switching to a plant-based, organic food regimen? Maybe the “runs in the family” part means your relatives ate all the same toxic food and were prescribed similar detrimental “medicine” by their allopathetic (allopathic) quacks.
You see, once a quack convinces his/her patients that every health problem they are experiencing is “genetic” (meaning inherited in the genes), then the patients never try to change their eating habits, believing that they can only “manage” the symptoms.
Once Americans fall in that trap, they rarely ever escape, because next comes multiple prescription medications to treat the symptoms of toxic food disorder. Then comes multiple surgeries to remove organs, animal fat, and tumors. Then comes chemotherapy, radiation, and early death by pharma.
Have you been told one of these?
LIE #1. You have to stay on blood thinners the rest of your life to prevent blood clots.
LIE #2. Chemotherapy is the best chance you have to fight cancer.
LIE #3. The flu shot and other vaccines are safe and effective.
LIE #4. There is no cure for cancer.
LIE #5. Nobody knows what causes autism.
LIE #6. It doesn’t matter what you eat while in the hospital.
LIE #7. As long as you have good medical coverage, you have nothing to worry about.
Nearly 1,000 different diseases and disorders are caused by nutrient deficiency, but not one medical diety (M.D.) has one lick of nutrition knowledge to dispense. If you still visit a quack regularly, ask him/her how many nutrition classes they took in medical school. The answer will blow your mind. Maybe two or three classes tops, and that’s not even required for their quackery degree for slinging chemical medicine or for dissecting failing organs. Plus, there’s just not as much money in “food advice,” and Google and YouTube are bankrupting anyone left that does make a nice living in that realm.
Remember the Heparin blood thinner scandal about a decade ago? It was voluntarily recalled by Baxter (the manufacturer) after hundreds of reports poured in about severe allergic reactions and sudden deaths. They claimed there were “irregularities” in certain batches of the rat poison they call medicine. Could it really be the reaction to chemicals derived from processed pig intestines in China?
Battling preventable diseases with lab-made concoctions leaves you almost ZERO chance of curing them. Did you know that? Ask yourself why the sickest Americans are the ones who take all the medical deity medicines. Maybe that’s because most pharmaceutical ingredients are contaminated (more than 90 percent) because they come from countries around the world where the FDA never even inspects them. It’s all one big racket to find the cheapest ingredients and then mark up the cost of the drugs by thousands of percentages.
Despite the “gold standard” of supposed drug safety and testing in the U.S.A., the fact remains that nearly all the ingredients in today’s prescription drugs have NEVER been inspected or approved by the FDA. Can you imagine all the Americans who go broke paying for this contaminated, untested, experimental “medicine?” It’s unreal.
Now even the vaccine manufacturers are 100 percent free from liability for creating, marketing, and selling faulty immunizations that don’t work, cause horrific disorders (think autism and severe skin problems), and flu shots that kill people. In fact, most of the $4 billion that the secretive vaccine court has paid out from their slush fund has been to families damaged or killed by the infamous flu shot. Still, you’ll never hear about it on mainstream news, because they are all controlled by the Pharma Five.
Tune in to Vaccines.news and learn how you can avoid the cesspool of American-spread diseases without taking advice from medical “deities” that push chemical medicine and unnecessary surgeries.
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