08/02/2021 / By S.D. Wells
Walk it back. Retract it. Memory hole it. Delete it. That’s what the freaks in control of the Covid plandemic do every day with their “advice” and “rules” for functioning in the midst of the not-so-deadly-after-all China Flu. It was all about getting 70 percent of America vaccinated for death-by-blood-clot preparation, but they only reached 50 percent. Now it’s time for all the vaccinated fools to mask back up, quarantine yourselves, and then line up for a “booster” shot or the “Delta death jab” that will finish everyone off, with trillions more blood-clotting “proteins” in the secret dirty vaccine biological war on Americans.
The vaccines are safe and effective, but wait, we have to put a warning indicator on them about deadly blood clots, and then inform you after vaccination that it doesn’t work at all, and that you must keep your mask on forever, stay home in isolation where it’s safe, because you yourself could be a spreader!
Yes, “Rochelle the Shill” Paula Walensky is an American physician-scientist and the director of the Circus for Disease Cultivation (CDC) who piles lies on top of misinformation while contradicting her supposedly keen insight into Covid safety, time and time again.
They say the vaccines are “safe,” but what about the filthy, scummy labs and plants where they manufacture them, specifically the J&J Baltimore facility. That’s not safe at all, and sounds more like the alley by the dumpsters behind some fast food restaurant.
“CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said recent studies had shown that those vaccinated individuals who do become infected with Covid have just as much viral load as the unvaccinated, making it possible for them to spread the virus to others.” – NBC.
“New data suggests that fully vaccinated individuals are not just contracting COVID, but could be carrying higher levels of virus than previously understood, facilitating spread.” — Dr. Wen. This plandemic sponsor, Dr. Leana Wen, is the ring leader of the Covid circus, and the most fanatical advocate who’s pushing the oxygen-depriving, bacteria-breeding mandatory mask mandates again.
Yet, MSM reported back in March, based off CDC director Walensky’s advice, “CDC data suggests vaccinated don’t carry, can’t spread virus.” Please, can someone, anyone who actually knows anything about this virus take over and make some rational, science-based decisions?
And now, just this past week, Wacky Walensky takes it all back the other way, contradicting herself, the CDC, and everything they just told everyone, saying, “CDC says vaccinated people may transmit virus, recommends masks indoors.”
The vaccine manufacturers are just as bad, lying and saying the Pfizer and Moderna shots are “highly effective” at preventing real-world setting infections, yet, the vaccinated sheeple are the majority of the ones catching and spreading Covid now.
They’re going after the children next. First it was the college kids. Now it’s the teens. Next it’s the preteens, then the children and babies. We already know that 4 out of 5 pregnant women who get a Covid shot lose the baby (during 1st or 2nd trimester) instantly by spontaneous vaccine-induced abortion shortly after inoculation.
The vaccine fanatics want all children shot up with life-decimating neurotoxins and virus-mimicking proteins that clog the blood and crash vital body systems, including circulation and motor skills. The vaccine shills, Dr. Wen and Dr. Walensky, are out in full force, all over fake news media, contradicting each other, the CDC, the FDA, Biden and even themselves almost daily.
Here’s the psycho-communist doctor and CNN fake “analyst” Leana Wen mixing it all up, telling everyone who’s vaccinated the vaccines don’t work at all. Talk about massive contradictions from the freaks running the plandemic show. They just make this all up as they go along, forgetting what they just said – the exact opposite – just days or weeks earlier. The hypocrisy and idiocy is deafening. Even Anderson “the huckster” Cooper is dumbfounded by Wen’s garbage science. Watch:
Natural health advocates know better than to take toxic jabs from pharma goons, but if you know someone who already got pricked with the blood-clotting Covid inoculations, and they’re suffering from lethargy, pain, clouded thinking, that’s called CoVax Syndrome, so tell them to report it to VAERS. Also, check out Pandemic.news for updates on these crimes against humanity and the upcoming “Delta” and Covid “booster-vaccine” Holocaust.
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