08/03/2021 / By S.D. Wells
Is everybody ready to get dangerous, blood-clotting mRNA jabs at least three times a year, or more? Wait, you didn’t know that “fully vaccinated” only means you’re partially protected for 4 months? Time to look at the science, real close, and start weighing out risk versus benefit, because from over here where natural health advocates stand, it’s nothing but risk, without any proven safety or benefit. Take a look at the most recent Pfizer jab “efficacy” findings, which should now be referred to as “non-efficacy.”
New research conducted to see if the Pfizer China Flu vaccine really even works revealed that it barely does, waning almost immediately, after just 4 to 6 weeks, to a next-to-useless 16 percent efficacy. That’s after the victim is “fully vaccinated” with the second dose of gene therapy for the Fauci virus. Meanwhile, the mRNA has recoded your cells and instructs them to create trillions of miniscule sticky spike proteins that mimic a deadly virus and clot your blood, all the way down into your capillaries.
So what’s next? Will there be quarterly, monthly, weekly or even daily Covid vaccines? Is this like the diabetes pandemic in America, that’s already got a strangle-hold on 34 million Americans, where you have to take a “shot” every day? Are these like allergies, where you have to get a booster every week during “allergy season?”
You know flu season runs from October through May. When does “Covid season” end? How soon will it be before you’re required to get a Covid vaccine before you walk into work daily? Line up for that booster and roll your sleeve up so you’re ready for your “safe and effective” protein injections. Remember, “We’re all in this together.” Jab.
Based on zero science, the FDA, CDC, NIH and WHO rush vaccines to market, get half the world injected with medical experiments, and then immediately begin “consideration” of more jabs, for variants, mutants and “boosters” (which really means boosters of profit made off dirty, deadly jabs).
According to flip-flop Fauci and his favorite cohort pharma-shills Dr. Wen and Dr. Walensky, the Delta variant spreads like the chicken pox. The irony is that the Delta variant is much weaker than the Covid-19 original lab-made virus, so it’s probably no more deadly than the chicken pox, well, except for those vaccinated. Maybe what would be best is if everyone just went ahead and caught Delta on purpose and got infinite natural immunity, instead of regular vaccine injections that cause blood clots and weakened immunity.
Would you like to get a vaccine that has only 16 percent efficacy of protection that’s killing thousands of people and maiming hundreds of thousands of others, all to supposedly protect against a virus that only kills people who have compromised immune systems, like those who get vaccines regularly?
Nobody in their right mind, who knows the real science behind vaccines, would get them and the real science is revealing the risks that far outweigh the benefits, if there are any at all.
The death wave of “fully vaccinated” people has begun, and nobody knows whether they’re dying from Covid, blood clots, or auto-immune disorders where their own body is attacking their own cells, like a bloody civil war happening inside your body — a war there’s no way to stop (mRNA keeps your cells creating trillions of spike proteins forever).
Check out Pandemic.news for updates on these crimes against humanity and the upcoming “Delta” and Covid “booster-vaccine” Holocaust. Also, if you know someone who already got pricked with the blood-clotting Covid inoculations, and they’re suffering from lethargy, pain, clouded thinking,or an inflamed heart, that’s called CoVax Syndrome, so tell them to report it to VAERS.
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