08/18/2021 / By S.D. Wells
America, home of the brave, land of the free… and… home of processed food and toxic medicine. We vote people into office to protect us and our rights, and they appoint people to run the regulatory agencies to make a fortune off people’s ill health.
Every regulatory agency in America pushes poison and depopulation through the approval of toxins for consumption, whether on the farms, in the municipal water supply, in the prescription drugs, or the “holy grail” of toxic medication known as “vaccines.” Every intervention they push is poison or depopulation, and that goes for the AMA, CDC, FDA, EPA, WHO and most “peer reviewed” posts in science journals. It’s all a front for profit off the sickness of the populace, and it all started 175 years ago.
The AMA was founded in 1847 when elitist physicians in America decided they were tired of competing with natural remedies, because the medical business wasn’t profitable enough. Only patentable, lab-produced toxic concoctions would be allowed to be bought and prescribed, and any doctors caught using natural remedies would lose their medical license. By the early 1900s, nutrition education was all but removed from medical school curriculum, and the AMA “Code of Medical Ethics” was systematically dismantled.
The FDA was officially founded in 1906, and systematic corruption of US agriculture began immediately. The “chemical analyses” of agricultural products really began back in the 1860s with the Department of Agriculture, but it all got put to widespread use once the FDA put in place the “Pure Food and Drugs Act,” and the toxic agri-business was born. By the 1950s, scientists figured out that poisonous pesticides on crops would fuel the sick-care industry.
Then, in the mid-1980s and 1990s, genes from toxic plants and toxic animals were genetically inserted into crops, and a new wave of sicknesses would sweep across America, including dementia, autism, severe allergies and cancer. There is no worse chronic damage than to that of the human gut, and the combination of pesticides, insecticides and herbicides (think glyphosate/Roundup) with GM food decimates good gut flora and the human immune system in general. The EPA works hand-in-hand with the FDA to ruin our environment and food supply.
The CDC is a “for-profit corporation” that has colluded with Big Pharma since its inception in 1946 in Atlanta. Vaccinations quickly became the most profitable disease “treatment.” In 2011, the Supreme Court made the entire vaccine industry completely EXEMPT from all liability from dangerous injections that contain mercury, genetically modified viruses, and now trillions of prions that clog and clot the blood. CDC scandals pile a mile high, wrought with lack of safety research and cover-ups to save face.
It’s a crying shame, but it’s true. Vaccines are not made to prevent disease, but to cause it. Natural health advocates have known this for decades. It was obvious in the 1990s when the CDC tripled the amount of vaccines children get by age seven and the autism rates went through the roof, from 1 in 10,000 vaccinated kids to 1 in every 68.
Vaccines combined with fluoridated water, GMOs and processed food have created and perpetuated the epidemics of obesity, cancer, autism, diabetes, heart disease, strokes and dementia. These diseases and disorders barely existed in America 100 years ago, and really didn’t dominate the masses until 50 years ago. Now every other American is suffering from at least one of those chronic, degenerative illnesses.
Think about it. Just 50 years ago, nobody would have believed… conventional food causes cancer, and now 1 in every 3 Americans gets cancer, and half of those victims die from it. Just 50 years ago, all the dentists already knew that mercury fillings are extremely toxic to the brain and central nervous system, but kept using them anyway.
Just 50 years ago, nobody would have believed that vaccines CAUSE disease instead of preventing it, and now most people catching and dying from Covid already got vaccinated against it. Just 50 years ago, nobody believed chemotherapy is the worst thing you can do to your body if you have cancer, now science shows it has a 96 percent fail rate and causes cancer.
Just 50 years ago, nobody knew most US tap water contained a deadly pesticide that causes bone cancer and lowered IQ, now research proves fluoride is toxic to humans. Just 50 years ago, nobody believed that smoking cigarettes causes lung cancer, and that even though all of the medical doctors already knew, they were still endorsing smoking as being good for digestion.
And just 50 years ago, nobody believed that prescription medications are designed to keep you sick and make you sicker, but now most patients taking pharmaceuticals are the sickest people on the planet.
Remember, if someone you know is pro-vaccine right now, that also means they are anti-science, because if they would look at the science, they would clearly see that vaccines are not safe or effective, but rather dangerous and defective. Tune your internet frequency to Pandemic.news for updates on these vaccine-induced crimes against humanity, plus the inside scoop on the upcoming vaccine Holocaust.
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