10/27/2021 / By Mike Adams
In a 17-0 decision, an FDA committee has codified medical atrocities against innocent children across America by voting to approve “emergency use” of covid vaccines in children aged 5 – 11.
Importantly, there is no medical need for children aged 5 – 11 to take covid vaccines at all, given that their mortality rate from covid infections is nearly zero.
Because of the near-zero mortality rate, there is no “benefit” that can be offered by the vaccines. Only risks. And these vaccines are incredibly risky, having already killed an estimated 250,000 Americans so far (and counting). Source: Dr. Zev Zelenko.
This means the FDA panel members, by approving this deadly vaccines for children, are carrying out medical genocide against innocent children on a scale never even imagined by Third Reich medical experiments doctor Josef Mengele.
The White House now plans to assault 28 million children with vaccine violence, and the mass slaughter of innocents is being carried out like clockwork. The only question remains: Will the slaughter of innocent children finally be enough to awaken America to the genocidal evil of Big Pharma and its captured regulators like the FDA?
Find more answers in today’s Situation Update podcast below…
As we’ve documented numerous times, covid vaccines destroy the innate immune system. This is part of their functional design, for if they didn’t suppress immunity, the vaccine’s mRNA strands would be attacked and destroyed by the immune system before they could infect human cells and take over the protein synthesis of ribosomes.
Current estimates show that people who have taken mRNA-based covid vaccines (Moderna and Pfizer) lose about 5% of their innate immune function each week. After about 20 weeks, they are characterized as “AIDS patients” who have little to no functioning immunity against in-the-wild pathogens such as common colds and flu viruses.
Beyond merely theoretical, this phenomenon is now being confirmed by the swamping of US hospital emergency rooms with post-vaccine patients who are exhibiting extreme levels of sickness against common health insults. “ERs are now swamped with seriously ill patients — but many don’t even have COVID,” reported NPR.org yesterday. Running out of ER rooms, patients are being treated in reclining chairs placed in hallways. From the NPR story: (emphasis added)
Months of treatment delays have exacerbated chronic conditions and worsened symptoms. Doctors and nurses say the severity of illness ranges widely and includes abdominal pain, respiratory problems, blood clots, heart conditions and suicide attempts, among others.
A separate section of the hospital was turned into an overflow unit. Stretchers stack up in halls. The hospital has even brought in a row of brown reclining chairs, lined up against a wall, for patients who aren’t sick enough for a stretcher but are too sick to stay in the main waiting room.
There is no privacy, as Alejoz Perrientoz just learned. He came to the ER this particular morning because his arm has been tingling and painful for over a week now. He can no longer hold a cup of coffee. A nurse gave him a full physical exam in the brown recliner, which made him self-conscious about having his shirt lifted up in front of strangers. “I felt a little uncomfortable,” he whispers. “But I have no choice, you know? I’m in the hallway. There’s no rooms.”
[Notice that the tingling arm is a typical consequence stemming from vaccine injury and blood clots…]
“We are hearing from members in every part of the country,” says Dr. Lisa Moreno, president of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM). “The Midwest, the South, the Northeast, the West … they are seeing this exact same phenomenon.”
NPR, of course, utterly fails to link any of this with vaccines, even when patients are being diagnosed with blood clots, heart conditions, breathing difficulty and the tingling of extremities. These are all vaccine side effects, yet no one in the media will dare report that truth.
The upshot is that emergency rooms are being overrun with vaccine injured patients… and it’s not even November yet. Imagine what the scene looks like in mid-January.
This is one of those “we told ya so” moments, it seems, when the vaccine zealots realize they’re already dead because they foolishly believed a depopulation weapon system was a beneficial vaccine. Without question, millions of vaccinated Americans will be dead or health compromised before Spring. What we’re seeing now is just the leading edge of the health care catastrophe yet to be fully realized.
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