11/26/2021 / By S.D. Wells
Remember when everybody blamed violent video games for all the youth violence in America, and then came the fake race war and everyone forgot that video game narrative. It’s all about “white supremacy” now, even when there’s white-on-white crime? What sense does that even make? Then there are Americans of any color, who watch violence all over the news (Antifa and BLM riots), then take psychotropic medications “as prescribed” by their doctor, then lose their minds and commit homicide, and often suicide after that. Are these anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds turning young men into vicious animals?
The news just finds the white guys with guns and bam–just like that, you’ve got headline news for weeks, usually with a false-narrative leading the way. Kyle Rittenhouse has been branded as a white supremacist, meaning racist freak, who murdered people in cold blood, and someone who just got off all charges “Scott free.” Time to take a look at truth news and see what really happened, and what will continue to happen.
SSRIs, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, function by blocking certain neurons from firing across synapses in the brain, and then regulating a very slow uptake of hormones that control mood, happiness and the fight-or-flight chemistry going on in the body. It’s like shutting off the electricity and then living during a perpetual “brown out.” Sometimes people become numb, all while bottling up frustrations, confusion and hate, and then it explodes and they become walking nightmares, committing horrific acts of violence, including homicide and suicide.
Video AND testimony from several of the prosecution’s very own witnesses totally contradicted the narrative. Witnesses said one of the people who attacked Kyle Rittenhouse, Joseph Rosenbaum, dared people to shoot him, threatened to kill Kyle earlier that night, and then lunged for Kyle’s rifle like a crazy person.
Rosenbaum’s fiancée then told the jury he was taking prescription medication for depression and bipolar disorder. If this is true, the toxic medications could prove to be the main culprit of the whole attack, being that Rosenbaum may have become deranged from a chemical imbalance in his brain caused by psychotropic (psych-drug) medications, spurred on by the adrenaline and cortisol.
Plus, on the night of these shootings, police saw Rittenhouse with other armed patriots and handed them bottled water, telling them, “We appreciate you guys.” Sure sounds like the lawbreakers were the ones medicated for depression and bipolar disorder who attacked Kyle and tried to take his gun, probably to turn it around and kill him.
Remember, nearly every mass shooting incident over the past 20 years has involved a young-adult white male on psych drugs, that’s why they’re called the psych-drug shooters.
Most SSRIs don’t really work, they’re just placebos for a short run solution, but in the long run, the hopelessness gets worse, and then the medication either drives them over the edge, or withdrawals from the medication do. Side effects are scary. The more aggressive the person, the worse they react to the darkness they’ve harbored inside. It grows and grows, and they don’t have enough serotonin to feel like anything is “worth it” anymore. There’s no light at the end of the tunnel.
Is that what happened to Joseph Rosenbaum, when he lost his mind and grabbed a real gun someone else was holding, and the same person that he said he wanted to kill earlier? Maybe Rosenbaum had an “agro-psychotic moment” fueled by serotonin-manipulating meds. Certainly other people involved in “mass shootings” have been jacked up on psych drugs, so just follow the bouncing ball.
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