03/06/2025 / By News Editors
Why They’re Desperate to Silence Him
They Want You Panicked—Here’s the Real Agenda Behind the Measles Scare
Guest author Sofia Karstens
All things can be, and usually are, true. It’s true that people surrounding RFK Jr. have influence—some of whom do not share our goals. It’s true that the opposition will make things as difficult as possible for him. It’s true that he is under attack and has weapons trained on him from all sides. It’s true that there is a certain amount of give-and-take required; he is not the only one in there, and he serves at the pleasure of the president… who is ALSO under fire and a tremendous amount of pressures and conflicts, and who has his own people leveraging him. All of these components and more enter into this soup… But it’s also true that we must accurately untangle some of the more obvious faulty and false narratives being pushed to manipulate public perception.
(Article by Sofia Karstens republished from Malone.news)
Bobby can’t steer this ship 180° overnight; no one can. The change we need will be gradual—a few degrees at a time – to ultimately get us to a different continent, and we’re not necessarily going to feel the adjustment right away. He has to be strategic and judicious about what he does, and when he does it. This isn’t about demanding an immediate summit of Everest; it’s about taking strategic steps to base camp first. His position requires careful navigation, and if we undermine him from within, we risk losing everything. We need to recognize that this is how it’s going to go for the duration.
I probably don’t need to say it but I will out of the gate, that the headline of RFK Jr’s op-ed was not reflective of the contents, which in my experience indicates the headline was added later, possibly by opposition, to mislead the public into a narrative not inherent in Bobby’s actual words. (Proverbial “they” do this to him a lot).
All of that being said, this is not binary or either/or. We need to accept that there are multiple relevant and minefield “sides” to this, and maybe that’s by design… but it is not black or white. We now have a situation that defines “systemic” and “endemic” simultaneously and in perpetuity. The medical paradigm is broken and, if we look at the 30,000 foot view, and we consider how long this has been going on, AND we consider what we have long speculated: that the agenda has been to create a vaccine dependent population…. well…. Here we are, to a large degree.
When we talked about measles in the 50s versus measles now it’s not the same thing, and the reason that’s true is because mothers in the 50s had not been vaccinated… so they were passing T cell immunity and antibodies down to their children. The truth is that vaccinated mothers (which today is virtually all of them) have not passed any of that immunity onto their children so we cannot rely on old arguments like measles is “just the sniffles” when we don’t fully understand the downstream effects of a highly vaccinated population. This doesn’t mean vaccines are safe—it means we need to be precise in how we frame the issue because there may be different downstream liabilities that were not prevalent then, or may have been occasional but were not widespread, but might now very well be, because we have a vastly different immunized population today than we did in the 50s. The alternative is that we risk falling into traps laid to discredit us. It’s probably also not a good strategy to sell how great measles is, and instead should be selling how flawed vaccines are. The reality is that we do have to accept that there are differences in the terrain and the landscape right now when it comes to these childhood vaccines.
Another predicament is that this issue is legitimately full of concerns on both “sides” that, since he’s not a dictator, RFK Jr. must balance. There are conflicting and often irreconcilable concerns and experiences. This is not the same landscape that it was, and we could get into the conversation that this was the intent all along… but regardless of how we got here we now ARE looking at a largely vaccine dependent society where we can’t just throw people to the wolves and say “go get the measles it’s fine” because it may not be, now that the majority of mothers have not commuted a maternal immunity for these diseases.
All of these traps create a problematic situation for RFK Jr, because the optics are already “those crazy anti-vaxxers want to bring back polio”, so if we say something is true and then downstream there is a different outcome because the terrain has changed, then we look more crazy. Bobby is walking an impossibly difficult tightrope. He must balance competing interests that are unreasonably complex and difficult and treacherous, he doesn’t have a magic 8 ball, and it’s above Nostradamus’ pay grade.
That is not to say there aren’t alternatives and solutions to these issues… it is only to say that we cannot possibly address them all at once and if we try to there is a higher-than-average chance that we will lose all progress we have made. There are so many factors and variables, and erring on the side of caution so that we don’t walk into a trap and blow ourselves up and lose all the ground we’ve gained is a judicious and smart strategy, at least until we have something more solid to point to which, not for nothing, is one of RFK Jr’s priorities once he’s allowed to do his actual job.
The terrain has changed in so many ways. It’s the converse of what we often use in our own arguments when people compare childhood mortality in 1900 to now and only credit vaccines for the difference, as if nothing else has changed since 1900. Not antibiotics, hygiene, diet etc. MMR is very prevalent problematic. Stop MMR and measles will blow up, no question. How dangerous that is, is an unknown, but we can’t be short sided and not acknowledge those changes in cofactors without diminishing our own credibility, and it seems to me that Bobby is doing a good job of mitigating that risk. The change in global immunity and the changes that have also occurred with the virus and pathology are huge. We can’t all become Amish… who were never vaccinated. This is like getting someone off of heroin. There are risks and dangers any way you cut it.
There are also many co-factors and even manufactured ones, not to mention the media created optic and curated “facts” to drive a narrative, along with curious timing… and the diabolical nature of this terrain when it comes to shamelessly using children and tragedy to foment an agenda, as was the case with AIDS, Covid, and others. This is not a new feature… why would that policy stop now? The current measles outbreak is being weaponized just like Polio, Covid, and every other manufactured crisis before it—to drive a narrative and push policies that benefit the pharmaceutical industry. The foundations of vaccine science and policy are deeply compromised, yet they are presented as absolute truths. But faulty foundations cannot lead to solid assertions. The propaganda is thick right now and while it is impossible to say that someone did or didn’t die from a vaccine… it is equally impossible to say that someone did or didn’t die from the measles – especially when there are so many obvious contradictions to that claim, including but not limited to:
PCR is not reliable for diagnostics and we don’t know the cycles used, we don’t know if the child was unvaccinated, we don’t know if the child was administered an MMR vaccine immediately prior, or while having a fever, we don’t know if the child had a co-infection, pre-existing condition, or chronic health condition, and the PCR test was used to diagnose measles without the presence of an existing clinical measles infection, which indicates that this case is being spun for a narrative for a larger agenda.
We must also recognize the larger manipulation at play. How do you control a movement (or any group of people for that matter)? Create a space over here, light a fire over there. Manufacture a battle in one place to distract from the real battle elsewhere. This is not (just) vaccines good/vaccines bad. I submit to you that nothing is ever just one thing, the options are not binary (black vs. white) and we don’t know what we don’t know. What this a play to potentially create a foundation or a baseline? Or obtain a needed ally? Or a bargaining chip? Or foundational accuracy with regard to data and science? Or merely a cautious first step to gain a foothold or, even better, the ability to establish (with now proper surveillance) what DIDN’T work. There are 50 more reasons I could speculate that would make this a strategic move… but one of them isn’t that Bobby just suddenly had a synaptic misfire and forgot his core purpose at the expense of every opportunity cost to his life. What makes more sense? That? Or… Could it be that he is navigating 25 other factors and seeing a clearer path to victory this way? We need to trust him. The risk if we don’t is that we blow up an effective covert operation because we don’t know about it. Bobby has dedicated his life to this fight. Do we really believe he has suddenly forgotten everything he stands for? Or is he playing a long game that we need to trust?
The “movement” is often its own worst enemy. While the opposition fights RFK Jr. relentlessly, some within our own ranks refuse to accept the reality of complexity and incremental change. Worryingly, many are rabid anti-vax without the burden of nuance, and they will turn down a ride to base camp because it does not go all the way to the top of Everest. Many of us spend the first half of our day fighting the opposition and the second half of our day fighting our own people. Perhaps collective “we” could alleviate that one burden for Bobby, give him the benefit of doubt, and trust him to navigate our ship through this storm. We need to rally behind him now, trust his strategy, and ensure that he has the right people—his generals—alongside him, including Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and Dr. Marty Makary. Without them, he will be hamstrung and unable to affect meaningful change. We can’t afford to lose half the regiment right now.
We need to rally the troops and support RFK Jr. right now more than ever. He is in a double-bind because, even though we firmly believe what we do to be true… the “science” does not support that (yet). The vested interests, even if you leave the financial entanglements out of it, DO NOT WANT Bobby in there to fundamentally change (read: fix) that science so that it is true science. Proper studies, proper surveillance, accurate and complete data… these are all threats to the establishment. “They” do not want him to create the proper foundations that would derail the lies and totalitarian stranglehold they currently enjoy.
Literally thousands of individuals currently in office (and out) are working against RFK Jr, and working against the key people he wants/needs in there in order to bring back real science and radical transparency. He can do nothing if he is hobbled and disabled from getting some of his (our) key people in. This is mission critical, Def Con 1. We need to support Bobby and be louder than the interested parties who would block him, and his generals. We have come all this way… now he is there… it’s zero hour. We have just spent 40 years in the desert – we need to support him and protect him now more than ever as he walks through these gates.
There are strategic reasons for every move made, alliances to be formed, data to be gathered, foundations to be built for future dismantling of the corrupt system. If we react emotionally rather than strategically, we could sabotage our own victory. If we demand all or nothing, we may get nothing.
There were countless wrong ways to handle this and only one right way—and Bobby chose correctly. Now is the time to rally, not to fracture. We all need to trust him to have our backs. In that, we have to have his.
Call your senators and demand they support the appointments of Dr. Jay Bhattacharya as Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Dr. Marty Makary as Commissioner of the FDA. Our scientific institutions have been captured by pharmaceutical interests and no longer serve the people. Pharma-backed science is currently serving as the foundation for our health agencies’ policies, and has led us directly to the mess in which we currently stand. These appointments will bring radical transparency and real science back to our health agencies. Without them, we will sink further into the quicksand of corruption.
And perhaps, after all this, we should be asking: Was Edward Jenner indeed the greatest mass murderer of all time? Or was it Anthony Fauci and Peter Daszak.
Read more at: Malone.news
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