08/09/2020 / By S.D. Wells
What is “vaccine-induced mad hatter syndrome?” Wait, you don’t know? Watch for the novel coronavirus Covid-19 vaccine to be loaded with enough aluminum that the mercury surely crosses the blood/brain barrier, driving the masses completely insane. This is why they use aluminum in vaccines, by the way, to enhance the effect of the mercury. It catapults it into the brain and central nervous system, causing systemic damage that’s often permanent. They don’t just use it as a cheap preservative. Don’t believe it? Keep reading, and don’t worry, we’re sourcing the CDC on this mercury content (listed always as ‘thimerosal’ which is typically 50 percent mercury).
Did you know that the typical amount of mercury found in tap water is about 2 ppb, which is a maximum safety limit set by the EPA? Did you also know that the typical mercury level in tuna is about 250 ppb? How strange is it then that nobody talks about the obscene mercury level in flu shots, typically around 50,000 ppb? That’s certainly enough to cause brain damage, and not just in infants or a baby in the womb, but children, teens and adults. There are plenty of other preservatives the vaccine industry could use, but they like destroying lives, so they won’t switch. There’s no other excuse.
What’s even scarier is the fact that mercury by vaccine is much deadlier than mercury in food, in the air, or on your body, because it bypasses all of your safety filters – saliva, lungs, skin. So when doctors and nurses downplay that aspect and say the amount is so miniscule that it doesn’t matter and that it’s “perfectly safe,” well, they’re lying. They’re telling a bold-faced lie.
What they should be doing is reading you aloud the vaccine insert, which directly states that no clinical trials have been run to prove safety or effectiveness, and that mercury can cause defects in the central nervous system and brain.
Ever heard of Mad Hatter Syndrome? It was first identified due to some grave mistakes made in the hat making industry back in the 1800s. They used a mercury solution to help turn the animal fur into felt. During the process though, toxic heavy metal mercury fumes polluted the air, and with poor ventilation in most of the workshops, the mercury accumulated in the bodies and brains. The effects?
The workers suffered a shaking syndrome they termed the “hatter’s shakes.” They lost coordination, lost teeth, lost memory, and became anxious, irritable and depressed. Sometimes they slurred their speech. Think of Nancy Pelosi now. That was called Mad Hatter Syndrome. Well guess what. Your seasonal flu shot ‘problem’ is about to be compounded ten-fold.
Covid-19 “inoculation” will contain a dangerous, deadlier strain of novel coronavirus, so the vaccinated sheeple will spread it themselves (that’s why Bill Gates wants to inject all Blacks first, then all the Jews). How do we know this? The version of Covid going around the world now was concocted in a lab. The problem is that it keeps morphing. Maybe that’s because it was brewed in human abortion cells and with multiple strains of coronavirus. They used to call it the “killer cold.” Ever heard of adinovirus? The coronavirus we are seeing is another new common cold, and it won’t ever go away. It will keep coming around, breaking out in heavily-populated zones, and the lock downs will never end.
That’s why Bill Gates is planning a series of vaccines, where each one injects you with something the previous vaccine uses to take control of your brain (think nano particles that assemble inside your brain).
That’s where the mercury comes in. Humans are dumbed down in stages, where more mercury is released with the chip in phase III or IV, and that medical “release” is controlled by the vaccine industry computers.
Mercury is the most toxic, non-radioactive element on Earth. No amount of mercury in the human body is safe, no matter what any quack allopathic doctor or mad scientist tells you. We already have enough mercury in our bodies to cause health problems, from amalgam “silver” dental fillings (50 percent mercury), to pesticides, fabric softeners, air conditioner filters, processed foods, bleached fish and flour, and almost any food imported from China, including their organic labeled exports. Got mercury poisoning?
Symptoms include nervousness, anxiety, irritability, headaches, fatigue, muscle weakness, hearing difficulties, kidney damage, lack of coordination, and we can go on forever.
Thimerosal in multi-dose vaccine vials is about 50 percent ethyl-mercury, and that’s deadly, despite what your nurse told you. It’s a contributing factor in many autism cases around the world. Plus, doses of mercury that yield a one percent mortality rate jump to 100 percent mortality rate when combined with aluminum, and that’s why the Covid-19 vaccine my contain a death switch that can take everybody out at once.
Got Mad Hatter Syndrome? Sounds like what the BLM and Antifa thugs are experiencing at their riots, where they kill Black people and Black children and ruin Black businesses, even though they’re supposed to be about protecting Blacks. Must be the mercury overload!
Is this really the future of vaccines? We’re not far away right now, folks. Watch out. Tune your internet dial to Vaccines.news for updates on depopulation vaccines that contain deadly chemicals and microchips. Learn more about mercury poisoning in this short video below, and then you’ll know for sure to stay far away from all new vaccines and “silver” dental fillings. Take a look.
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